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EL ROBI | Empowering Futures Through Skilled Trades in Lubbock, Texas: The City of Opportunities

In a landscape where traditional pathways to success are evolving, initiatives like EL ROBI (East Lubbock Resident Owned Business Initiative) are reshaping the narrative of career opportunities. Founded in 2017 by Lubbock native Reggie Dial, EL ROBI is a 6-week on-the-job pre-apprenticeship program that provides a unique blend of industry-based education and soft skills to help individuals secure employment in the skilled trade industry in Lubbock, Texas.  

About EL ROBI 

ELROBI’s mission is twofold: to address the increasing demand for skilled workers in trades such as HVAC, plumbing, electrical, welding, pipe-fitting and sheet metal, and to equip individuals from low to moderate-income communities with the tools for lifelong success. 

By offering a 6-week on-the-job pre-apprenticeship program, ELROBI provides a comprehensive curriculum that not only imparts technical skills but also emphasizes soft skills crucial for personal and professional growth. Students receive essential safety training, financial coaching and industry-specific curriculum to receive their apprenticeship license. 

ELROBI simplifies the journey for individuals to pursue a promising career path. To qualify, applicants must be 18 years or older, possess a valid driver’s license or ID and hold a high school diploma or GED. Applications can be completed online at

The Founder’s Vision

Reggie Dial, El ROBI’s Founder and Executive Director, developed the program while working with the Texas Tech University College of Education. Fueled by a desire to create a jobs program for the low to moderate-income community, Reggie identified the rising demand for skilled trades and collaborated with industry professionals to establish ELROBI.

“I have had opportunities in other places but I have always wanted to stay in Lubbock to give back and help uplift my community,” Reggie said. “I feel that EL ROBI brings people together from all parts of Lubbock and that in turn will benefit our city by helping people achieve successful careers in a skilled trade.” 

Impact on the Lubbock Community

EL ROBI has become a beacon of opportunity for young individuals who may not be inclined toward traditional college or military paths. Right now, around 60 students enroll in the program annually with a steady increase each year. 

Through EL ROBI, Reggie aims to harness the potential of the city’s youth, providing them with viable career paths that contribute to both personal success and the growth of the community.

Collaboration & Local Support

Reggie stresses the significance of partnering with local businesses and individuals to foster ELROBI’s success. ELROBI collaborates closely with employers to craft on-the-job training programs and secure paid work placements. Among the many partners, notable local employers include Collier Construction, VetStar, and Armstrong Plumbing Air & Electric. By engaging individuals and businesses from all sectors of Lubbock, ELROBI aims to bridge the gap in skilled trade professionals within the city.

Being a Business Owner in Lubbock, Texas

For Reggie, being a business owner in Lubbock is synonymous with the city’s growth and evolution. 

“Lubbock is where I was rooted and I love the people here,” Reggie said. “Lubbock is the city of opportunities and it’s awesome being a part of the growth that is taking place right now. As the city grows, so do the possibilities and that’s exciting.” 

Future Endeavors

As EL ROBI continues to make a positive impact, discussions are underway to expand the program to meet the evolving needs of Lubbock. Reggie envisions EL ROBI as a change agent for the city, creating more partnerships in the community. 

Skilled trade businesses interested in joining this transformative initiative are encouraged to reach out to Reggie Dial at 806-500-3476 or


ELROBI stands as a testament to the power of community-driven initiatives that not only address the demand for skilled trade professionals but also empower individuals with valuable life skills. Reggie’s commitment to Lubbock and its people showcases the potential for positive change when local businesses, education and community support converge. As ELROBI continues to grow, it paves the way for a brighter and more prosperous future for the City of Opportunities – Lubbock, Texas.

Lubbock is the city of opportunities and it’s awesome being a part of the growth that is taking place right now.

Reggie Dial, El ROBI Founder & Executive Director