The City of Lubbock and its partners in energy and telecom have been providing Lubbock and the South Plains area with high-quality utility services and will continue for generations to come.
Lubbock and the surrounding areas are currently served by the following providers:
(Electric utility rates depend on usage. Please contact the company for a quote by clicking on the links below)
Lubbock Power & Light
LP&L has officially transitioned to retail electric competition which means that LP&L is no longer a retail electric provider. This historic move completed in March 2014 capped off a ten year journey to bring electric competition to Lubbock. While LP&L no longer provides retail electric service, they still serve the community as the local electric grid operator delivering the power you choose safely to your business.
Please contact your chosen retail electric provider for all of your electricity customer service, billing and account-related questions. Customers are required to shop for and pick a provider of choice by visiting PowertoChoose.org or by directly contacting a retail electric provider listed here: Click to View the List of Approved Retail Electric Providers
Customers can report power outages and downed power lines to LP&L. LP&L owns and maintains the poles, wires, lines and advanced meters across their service territory in Lubbock. LP&L also works with your chosen electric provider to connect or disconnect electric service.
City of Lubbock Utilities handles all billing and customer service for the city-owned utilities outside of LP&L including Water/Wastewater, Stormwater and Solid Waste. They can be reached at (806) 775-2509.
ELECTRIC OUTAGE: To report an electric outage, email or text Lubbock Power & Light at LightsOut@LPandL.com or you may call (806) 775-2509. LP&L has advanced metering infrastructure that proactively alerts them to electrical outages but customers can always report reliability concerns directly to LP&L
· Please provide your service address, a phone number and any other information you can share about the nature of your outage.
· Due to increased call volume in the event of an outage, customers may experience longer than normal hold times on the phone. We encourage customers to text or email.
· Unless you believe there is a life-threatening situation, do not call 9-1-1 to report a power outage.
South Plains Electric Cooperative
South Plains Electric Cooperative (SPEC) serves the rural areas that surround Lubbock and has been a member of the Touchstone Energy® Cooperatives family since 1998. SPEC is committed to providing superior electric utility service to all consumers, large and small, and champions the unique benefits of the cooperative business model. For more information visit the SPEC website.
Xcel Energy
Xcel Energy currently serves the areas that surround the city of Lubbock. Xcel is committed to customer satisfaction and strives to provide low-cost, reliable energy. Xcel also works hard to be environmentally sound with some of its power coming from such green technologies as wind and solar energy among other sources. For more information on rates and a map of the area covered, visit the Xcel Energy website.
The City of Lubbock has developed a sophisticated telecommunications network that is scalable to every business’ needs. From single-line telephone services to wide area data transport at speeds of more than 100 Mbps, Lubbock can connect your business to the rest of the world.
We maintain a competitive communications environment to ensure that our businesses and residents have access to the latest advances in technology. All major long-distance carriers have points of presence (POPs) in the city, guaranteeing reliable and affordable access.
All of the City of Lubbock’s water is managed by the Water Utilities Department that takes care of the city’s water collection and treatment systems as well as the removal of wastewater. The department also has conservation plans in place that will ensure the residents of Lubbock have water for now and the generations to come. For more information visit the City of Lubbock Water Department website.
Atmos Energy
Atmos Energy is one of the largest natural-gas-only distributors in the U.S. and has grown to operate one of the largest intrastate natural gas pipelines in Texas. Currently, Atmos is known as one of the most efficient natural gas distribution companies in the industry.
West Texas Gas
West Texas Gas (WTG) was formed and has operated as a natural gas public utility in the State of Texas since 1976. WTG has become a leader in natural gas services in Texas and in the Oklahoma Panhandle with core businesses in distribution operations, marketing and transmission services. As the natural gas industry continues to change, WTG remains committed to providing its customers with the best possible service as well as operating the Company with the highest level of integrity.